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  • ٱلْبَلَد
    Surah Balad
    The City
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    Surah Number 90
    Meanings & Titles of Surah The city, The Land
    Place of Revelation Makkah
    Number of Verses 20
    Number of Rukus ½
    Number of Words (Without Repeated Words) 70
    Total Number of Words 82
    Number of Letters 342
    Page Number 594
    Juz Number 30
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    Surah Balad

      ​I swear by this city— [90:1]
      ​and you are a freeman in this city— [90:2]
      ​and by the one who begets and the one he begets, [90:3]
      ​We have indeed made man in distress. [90:4]
      ​Does he assume no one has power over him? [90:5]
      ​He says, “I have used up much money!” [90:6]
      ​Does he assume no one sees him? [90:7]
      ​Have We not made two eyes for him, [90:8]
      ​and a tongue and two lips? [90:9]
      ​And We showed him the two highways: [90:10]
      ​but he has not braved the steep road. [90:11]
      ​And what will convey to you what the steep road is? [90:12]
      ​Emancipation of a slave, [90:13]
      ​or feeding on a day of hunger [90:14]
      ​an orphaned relative [90:15]
      ​or a destitute pauper. [90:16]
      ​Then one will be of those who believe and practice patience and practice kindness. [90:17]
      ​They are the company of the right. [90:18]
      ​And as for those who scoff at Our signs, they are the company of the left: [90:19]
      ​there will be fire enclosing them. [90:20]
