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  • ٱلْأَعْرَاف
    Surah Araf
    The Heights
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    Surah Number 7
    Meanings & Titles of Surah The Heights, The Faculty of Discernment
    Place of Revelation Makkah
    Number of Verses 206
    Number of Rukus 24
    Number of Words (Without Repeated Words) 1558
    Total Number of Words 3341
    Number of Letters 14435
    Page Number 151
    Juz Number 8 & 9
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    Surah Araf

      ​A.L.M.S. [7:1]
      ​A Book revealed to you— so let there be no oppression in your heart from it— that you may warn therewith, a reminder for believers. [7:2]
      ​Follow what was revealed to you from your Lord, and do not follow any other protectors. Little do you remember. [7:3]
      ​How many populations have We destroyed! Our vengeance came upon them by night, or while they were napping. [7:4]
      ​And when Our vengeance came over them, their only cry was, “We were indeed wrong!” [7:5]
      ​So We will question those to whom revelations were sent; and We will question the messengers. [7:6]
      ​Then We will tell all, with knowledge; for We were never absent. [7:7]
      ​And the measure on that day will be truth; and those whose scales are heavy will be the happy ones. [7:8]
      ​As for those whose scales are light, they will be the ones who lose their own souls, because they mistreated Our signs. [7:9]
      ​We have established you on earth, and provided you a means of life thereon. Little are you grateful. [7:10]
      ​We created you, then formed you; then We said to the angels, “Bow to Adam.” And they bowed, except Iblis, the Despaired, who was not one of those who bowed. [7:11]
      ​God said, “What prevented you from bowing when I ordered you to?” He said, “I am better than he— You made me from fire, whereas You made him from clay.” [7:12]
      ​God said, “Then get down from there; it is not for you to act insolently there, so get out—for you are being petty.” [7:13]
      ​He said, “Give me time, until the day they are resurrected.” [7:14]
      ​God said, “You are indeed one of those given time.” [7:15]
      ​He said, “Then since You have entrapped me, I will waylay them on Your straight path. [7:16]
      ​“Then I will come upon them from before and behind them, and from their right and their left. And You will not find most of them grateful.” [7:17]
      ​God said, “Get out of here, despised and rejected. If any of them follow you, I will fill hell with you all. [7:18]
      ​“And you, Adam, dwell in the garden, you and your wife, and eat of whatever you two want; but do not approach this tree, for then you would be transgressors.” [7:19]
      ​Then Satan whispered to the two, to reveal to them their private parts, which had been concealed from them; “Your Lord only prohibited you from this tree lest you two become angels, or you become immortals.” [7:20]
      And he swore to them, “I am an advisor to you.” [7:21]
      ​Thus he led them by false hopes: then when they tasted of the tree, their private parts became evident to them, and they began to sew together leaves from the garden over them. Then their Lord called to them, “Did I not forbid you from that tree, and tell you Satan is an open enemy to you?” [7:22]
      ​The couple said, “Our Lord, we have wronged our own selves. If You do not forgive us and have mercy on us, we will certainly be among the lost.” [7:23]
      ​God said, “Fall, enemy to one another; you will still have a place to live on earth, and provisions for a while.” [7:24]
      ​God said, “There you will live, and there you will die, but you will be removed from there.” [7:25]
      ​O children of Adam, We have sent you clothing to cover your private parts, and for adornment. But the garment of conscientiousness is best. That is among the signs of God, so they may take a lesson. [7:26]
      ​O children of Adam, do not let Satan seduce you as he alienated your parents from paradise, stripping their garments from them to show them their privates. For he is watching you, he and his kind, from where you do not see them. Indeed, We have made the devils friends of those who do not believe. [7:27]
      ​And when they commit indecency, they say, “We found our fathers doing this, and God commanded us to do it.” Say, “God does not command indecency. Will you say about God what you do not know?” [7:28]
      ​Say, “My Lord has commanded justice; and that you elevate your whole beings at every place of worship, and pray to God with sincerity of faith. You will return to the way God first made you.” [7:29]
      ​Some God guided, while some deserved delusion; for they took devils for patrons rather than God, while figuring they were guided. [7:30]
      ​O children of Adam, wear your finery at every place of worship, and eat and drink, without being immoderate, for God does not love the excessive. [7:31]
      ​Say, “Who has forbidden the finery of God, which God has produced for devotees, and wholesome means of subsistence?” Say, “They are for those who believe, in the life of the world, especially for the day of resurrection.” Thus do We explain the signs to people who discern. [7:32]
      ​Say, “My Lord has only forbidden indecencies, whether open or concealed; and sin, and unjust oppression; and your associating with God anything for which no authority has been revealed; and your saying of God what you do not know.” [7:33]
      ​And there is a period for every community: and when their time is up, they cannot postpone it by even an hour, nor yet hasten it. [7:34]
      ​O children of Adam, whenever messengers from among you come to you telling you about My signs, any who are conscientious and act with integrity will not be ridden by fear, and they will not sorrow. [7:35]
      ​As for those who reject Our signs, treating them with contempt, they are inmates of the fire, where they will abide. [7:36]
      ​So who is more astray than those who invent a lie against God, or repudiate the signs of God? They will get their reward from the Decree; until, when Our emissaries come to them to take their souls they say, “Where is what you used to pray to rather than God?” They will say, “They deserted us,” and testify against themselves that they had been faithless. [7:37]
      ​God will say, “Enter the fire, in the company of communities of sprites and humans who passed away before you.” Every time a people enters, it curses another of its kind, until they have all followed along into hellfire. The last of them will say of the first, “Our Lord, they deluded us, so give them double the penalty of fire.” God will say, “Double for everyone!” But you do not know. [7:38]
      ​And the first of them will say to the last of them, “You have no advantage over us now, so taste the torment for what you used to do.” [7:39]
      As for those who repudiated Our signs and considered themselves above them, the doors of heaven will not be opened to them, and they will not enter the garden, until a camel goes through the eye of a needle. For that is how We compensate wrongdoers. [7:40]
      ​For them is a bed of hell, with coverings over them. That is how We reward wrongdoers. [7:41]
      ​As for those who believe and do good works, We do not burden a soul beyond its capacity. They are the inhabitants of the garden, where they will abide. [7:42]
      ​And We will remove rancor from their hearts; below them will flow rivers, and they will say, “Praise be to God, Who guided us to this. For we would never have been guided if God had not guided us. Messengers of our Lord have indeed brought truth.” And they shall be called, “There is the garden for you, which you have inherited on account of what you did.” [7:43]
      And the inhabitants of the garden will call to the inmates of the fire, “We found what our Lord promised us true; did you find what your Lord promised you true?” They will say, “Yes.” Then a crier will call between them, “The curse of God is on the unjust, [7:44]
      ​“those who hinder from the way of God, seeking distortion in it, and scoff at the hereafter.” [7:45]
      ​And there will be a veil between the two; and on the heights will be people who recognize them all by their works. And they will call to the inhabitants of the garden, “Peace upon you.” They will not have entered, but they will be hopeful. [7:46]
      And when their eyes are directed towards the inmates of the fire, they will say, “Our Lord, do not put us with the people who do wrong.” [7:47]
      ​And those on the heights will call to people they recognize by their marks, saying, “What profit to you were your collection and your conceit? [7:48]
      ​“Are these not the ones you swore God would not grant mercy? Enter the garden; you have nothing to fear, And you will not sorrow.” [7:49]
      ​And the inmates of the fire will call to the inhabitants of the garden, “Pour water over us, or whatever God has provided you.” They will say, “God has forbidden both to the scoffers, [7:50]
      ​“who took their religion for a pastime and a diversion, and whom the life of the world deceived.” So on that day We will forget them, as they forgot the meeting of this day of theirs, and they refused Our signs. [7:51]
      ​For We had sent them a scripture, which We explained clearly according to knowledge, as guidance and mercy for people who believe. [7:52]
      ​Are they waiting for anything but its resolution? The day its resolution comes, those who forgot it before will say, “Messengers of our Lord have indeed come with truth. So are there intercessors for us, to intercede in our behalf? Or are we to be sent back that we may do otherwise than we used to do?” They’ll have lost their souls, and what they invented will have deserted them. [7:53]
      ​Your Lord is God, who created the heavens and the earth in six days, then ascended the throne. God causes the night to cover the day, overtaking it quickly. And God created the sun, moon, and stars, subject to the divine order. Are creation and order not up to God? Blessed is God, Lord of all worlds. [7:54]
      ​Pray to your Lord humbly and secretly, for God does not like the aggressive. [7:55]
      ​And do not cause trouble on earth after order has been established; and pray to God with fear and longing: for the mercy of God is close to those who do good. [7:56]
      ​And it is God who sends the winds, as glad tidings before divine mercy. When they have lifted clouds heavily laden, We drive them to dead land, showering water thereby, wherewith We bring forth all fruits. Thus do We raise the dead, that you may be mindful. [7:57]
      ​As for the good land, its produce comes forth with the permission of its Lord; as for the bad, wretchedly little comes forth. Thus do We explain the signs for people who are grateful. [7:58]
      ​We have already sent Noah to his people: he said, “O my people, worship God; you have no other deity. I fear for you the torment of a terrible day.” [7:59]
      The chieftains of his people said, “We see you are in obvious error.” [7:60]
      ​He said, “O my people, I am not in error; on the contrary, I am a messenger from the Lord of the universe, [7:61]
      ​“delivering you messages from my Lord, and counseling you sincerely, as I know from God what you do not know. [7:62]
      ​“Or does it surprise you that a reminder has come to you from your Lord, borne by a man from among you, to warn you, so you might be conscientious and may receive mercy?” [7:63]
      ​But they called him a liar. Then We delivered him and those with him on the ark, while We drowned those who had scoffed at Our signs; for they were blind people. [7:64]
      ​And to the Ad, their brother Hud: he said, “O my people, worship God; you have no other deity, so won’t you be conscientious?” [7:65]
      ​The chief of those of his people who scoffed said, “We see you are a fool, and we consider you a liar.” [7:66]
      ​He said, “O my people, I am not a fool, but rather a messenger from the Lord of all worlds. [7:67]
      ​“I deliver you messages from my Lord, and I am a trustworthy advisor to you. [7:68]
      ​“Do you wonder that a reminder has come to you from your Lord to a man among you, that he may warn you? Remember how God made you successors after the people of Noah, and increased your stature among humankind. So remember the blessings of God, that you may prosper.” [7:69]
      ​They said, “Have you come to us so that we may worship God alone, abandoning what our fathers worshipped? Then bring us what you promise us, if you are telling the truth.” [7:70]
      ​He said, “Indignation and wrath have already befallen you from your Lord; are you arguing with me over names you and your ancestors designated, without authority for them from God? Wait then; I am waiting with you.” [7:71]
      ​So We saved him and those with him, by mercy from Us; and We cut off the last remnant of those who scoffed at Our signs and were not believers. [7:72]
      ​And to the Thamud, their brother Salih: he said, “O my people, worship God; you have no other deity. Clarification has come to you from your Lord. This she-camel of God is a sign for you. So leave her to graze on God’s earth, and do nothing to her, lest a painful penalty seize you. [7:73]
      ​“And remember how God made you successors to the ‘Ad, and gave you a place to live on earth: you make yourselves castles on the plains, and carve out dwellings in the mountains. So remember the benefits of God, and do no evil on earth by acting corruptly.” [7:74]
      ​The chiefs among his people who were self-important said to those considered powerless, to those among them who believed, “Do you know Salih to be an emissary from his Lord?” They said, “We are believers in what was sent through him.” [7:75]
      ​Those who were self-important said, “We reject what you believe in.” [7:76]
      ​Then they hamstrung the she-camel, defying the command of their Lord; they said, “O Salih, bring on us what you have threatened us with, if you are one of the emissaries.” [7:77]
      Then the quake seized them, and they lay prostrate in their homes. [7:78]
      Then he turned away from them and said, “O my people, I have already delivered the message of my Lord to you; and I have given you good advice; but you do not like sincere advisors.” [7:79]
      And there was Lot: he said to his people, “Will you commit indecency no nation has ever done before you? [7:80]
      ​“You act out your desire on men instead of women; you are indeed a wanton people.” [7:81]
      ​But his people’s only answer was to say, “Eject them from your city, for they are people who keep themselves clean.”. [7:82]
      ​except his wife; who lagged behind. [7:83]
      ​And We caused a shower to rain on them: so see how the evildoers ended up. [7:84]
      ​And to the Madyan, their brother Shu‘aib: he said, “O my people, worship God— you have no other deity. Clarification from your Lord has come to you, so give full measure and weight, and do not withhold from people the things that are rightfully theirs; and do not commit violence on earth after just peace has been made. That is best for you, if you are believers. [7:85]
      ​“And do not sit by every road making threats and hindering those who believe from the way of God, seeking distortion in it. And remember how you were small, and God made you grow. And see how the corrupt ended up. [7:86]
      ​“And if there is a group of you who believe in what I have been sent with, and a faction who do not believe, then be patient until God judges between us, as God is the best of judges.” [7:87]
      ​The leaders who considered themselves great among his people said, “We will ostracize you from our community, Shu‘aib, and those who believe in common with you, unless you return to our religion.” He said, “Even if we are averse? [7:88]
      ​“We would have fabricated a falsehood against God if we returned to your religion after God saved us from it. And it is not for us to return to it unless God, our Lord, wishes. Our Lord reaches out to everything by knowledge; we place our trust in God. Our Lord, adjudicate between us and our people truthfully, as You are the best of judges.” [7:89]
      The chiefs of the scoffers among his people said, “If you follow Shu‘aib, you will then be losers for sure.” [7:90]
      ​Then the earthquake seized them, and come morning they lay prostrate in their homes. [7:91]
      ​Those who repudiated Shu‘aib were as if they had never prospered there; those who repudiated Shu‘aib were the losers. [7:92]
      ​And so he turned away from them, saying, “O my people, I have delivered to you the messages of my Lord, and I gave you good advice. But how can I care for an atheistic people?” ​ [7:93]
      ​Whenever We sent a prophet to a population, We seized its people with misfortunes and hardship, so that they might humble themselves. [7:94]
      ​Then We replaced their afflictions with benefit, until they were relieved, when they said, “Hardships and joys also touched our fathers.” Then We suddenly seized them, while they were unawares. [7:95]
      ​Had the people of the cities believed and been conscientious, We would have opened up the blessings of the heavens and the earth to them; but they repudiated faith, so We held them responsible for what they were doing. [7:96]
      ​Did the people of the cities feel safe from the visitation of Our vengeance while they passed the night sleeping? [7:97]
      ​Or did the people of the cities feel safe from the visitation of Our vengeance as they amused themselves by day? [7:98]
      ​Did they feel safe from the strategy of God? But none feel safe from the strategy of God but people who are lost. ​ [7:99]
      ​Are those who inherit the earth after other people not guided by the fact that if We wished We could strike them for their sins, and seal up their hearts so they wouldn’t hear? [7:100]
      ​We tell you some information of those populations: their messengers had indeed come with clarifications, but they were not about to believe what they’d repudiated before. Thus does God seal up the hearts of scoffers. [7:101]
      ​And We did not find commitment in most of them; most of them, indeed, We found astray. [7:102]
      ​Then after them We sent Moses with Our signs to Pharaoh and his chiefs; but they mistreated them. Now observe how the corrupt ended up. [7:103]
      ​Moses said, “Pharaoh, I am an emissary from the Lord of the universe, [7:104]
      ​“competent on the condition that I not say anything of God but truth. I have come to you with clarification from your Lord, so release the Children of Israel with me.” [7:105]
      ​Pharaoh said, “If you have come with a sign, produce it if you are telling the truth.” [7:106]
      ​Then he threw his staff and lo! It was an apparent serpent! [7:107]
      ​And he pulled out his hand and lo! It was white to the onlookers! [7:108]
      ​The chiefs of Pharaoh’s people said, “This is an expert magician! [7:109]
      ​“He wants to eject you from your land.” “So what do you recommend?” [7:110]
      They said, “Put him and his brother off, while you send people to the cities to gather [7:111]
      ​and bring to you every expert magician.” [7:112]
      ​So the magicians came to Pharaoh. They said, “Surely there is a reward for us if we are the victors.” [7:113]
      ​He said, “Yes. You will be among my favorites.” [7:114]
      ​They said, “Hey, Moses! Will you throw, or shall we be the ones to throw?” [7:115]
      ​He said, “Throw!” And when they threw, they beguiled the eyes of the people, intimidating them, having wrought mighty magic. [7:116]
      Then We suggested to Moses, “Throw your staff,” and lo— it snatched what the others conjured! [7:117]
      ​So the truth was confirmed, and what the others were doing proved vain. [7:118]
      ​So these were defeated and reduced. [7:119]
      ​And the magicians were thrown down prostrate; [7:120]
      ​They said, “We believe in the Lord of the Universe, [7:121]
      ​“the Lord of Moses and Aaron.” [7:122]
      ​Pharaoh said, “You have believed therein before I gave you permission. This is surely a plot you have contrived in the city to drive its people from it; and you will know. [7:123]
      ​“I will cut off your hands and feet on opposite sides, then I will crucify you all!” [7:124]
      ​They said, “We will be returned to our Lord. [7:125]
      ​“But you only take vengeance on us because we believed in the signs of our Lord when they came to us. May our Lord pour out patience upon us, and receive our souls in acquiescence.” [7:126]
      ​The chiefs of Pharaoh’s people said, “Are you going to let Moses and his people go, leaving them to cause trouble in the land, forsaking you and your gods? He said, “We will have their sons killed, while keeping their females alive. For we are dominant over them.” [7:127]
      ​Moses said to his people, “Ask God for help, and be patient; for the earth belongs to God, who gives it as an inheritance to whatever servants God will. And the end is for the conscientious.” [7:128]
      ​They said, “We have been afflicted before you came to us, and after you came to us.” He said, “Perhaps your Lord is going to destroy your enemy and make you successors on earth, to see how you will do.” [7:129]
      ​We punished Pharaoh’s people with barren years and shortage of crops, that they might take a lesson. [7:130]
      ​But when good times came to them, they said, “This is our due,” while when calamity was upon them they were auguring evil of Moses and those with him. Oh, no! As far as God is concerned, it is but their own evil omen though most of them do not know. [7:131]
      ​And they said, “Whatever sign you bring us to bewitch us with, we will not believe in you.” [7:132]
      ​So We sent mass destruction upon them, and locusts, lice, frogs, and blood, as distinct signs; but they were too arrogant, being a sinful people. [7:133]
      ​When plague befell them, they said, “Moses, call on your Lord for us, based on what the Lord promised you; if you remove the plague from us, we will certainly have faith in you, and we will let the Israelites leave with you.” [7:134]
      ​But when We removed plague from them for a term they were to fulfill, they then broke their promise. [7:135]
      ​So We took vengeance on them, drowning them in the sea, because they repudiated Our signs and disregarded them. [7:136]
      ​And We caused a people thought weak to inherit the land of the East and the West, which We have blessed. And the good word of your Lord was fulfilled for the Israelites, because they endured patiently. And We destroyed what Pharaoh and his people made, and what they built. [7:137]
      ​And We got the Israelites across the sea, when they came upon a people devoted to idols they had. They said, “Moses, make us a god like the gods they have!” He said, “You are an ignorant people. [7:138]
      ​“As for these here, what they are involved in is ruin, and what they have been doing is in vain.” [7:139]
      He said, “Shall I seek a god for you other than the God, who has blessed you over all peoples?” [7:140]
      ​And We saved you from Pharaoh’s people, who afflicted you with miserable torment, slaughtered your sons and kept your females alive; in that was a tremendous trial from your Lord. [7:141]
      ​We appointed thirty nights for Moses, and completed them with ten; so the term of his Lord was fulfilled in forty nights. And Moses said to his brother Aaron, “Be my deputy among my people, acting with integrity and not following the way of the corrupt.” [7:142]
      ​And when Moses came to Our appointment, and his Lord spoke to him, he said, “My Lord, appear before me, that I may look at You. ” [God] said, “You will never see Me; but look at the mountain—if it remains in its place, then you will see Me.” Then when its Lord manifested to the mountain, that rendered it into dust, and Moses fell down thunderstruck. Then when he recovered he said, “Glory to You! I turn to You repentant, and I am the first of the believers.” [7:143]
      [God] said, “Moses, I have chosen you over the people by My mission and by My word. So take what I have given you, and be among the grateful.” [7:144]
      ​And We wrote of all things for him in the Tablets, counsel and judgment on all things: “Hold to them strongly, and direct your people to take to what is best in them. We will show you the abode of those who deviate.” [7:145]
      ​I will deflect from My signs those who are unjustly overbearing on earth. Even if they saw every sign, they would not believe in them. And even if they saw the right way they would not take to it, while if they saw the path of error they would take to it. That is because they have repudiated Our signs and been heedless of them. [7:146]
      ​As for those who have repudiated Our signs and the meeting in the hereafter, their works are futile. Are they to be recompensed for anything but what they have been doing? [7:147]
      ​And in his absence the people of Moses made themselves a statue of a lowing calf from their jewelry: did they not see that it did not speak to them or guide them in any way? They took to it in error. [7:148]
      ​Then when they repented and saw that they had gone astray, they said, “If our Lord does not have mercy on us and forgive us, we will surely be among the lost.” [7:149]
      ​Then when Moses returned to his people, angered and grieved, he said, “Evil is what you have done behind my back, in my absence. Are you in a hurry over the business of your Lord?” And he threw down the tablets, grabbed his brother by the hair, drew him to him, and [Aaron] said, “Son of my mother, the people have slighted me and nearly killed me. Do not let the transgressors rejoice over my misfortune, and do not put me with unjust people.” [7:150]
      ​He said, “My Lord, forgive me and my brother, and admit us into Your mercy; for You are the most merciful of the merciful.” [7:151]
      ​As for those who took to the calf, wrath from their Lord will come upon them, and abasement in the life of the world. Thus do We recompense forgers of lies. [7:152]
      ​As for those who do wrong, then afterwards repent and have faith, your Lord is forgiving and merciful indeed after that. [7:153]
      ​Now when the anger of Moses abated, he took up the tablets; in their transcript were guidance and mercy for those in awe of their Lord. [7:154]
      ​Then Moses chose seventy men from his people for Our appointment: and when the quake overtook them, he said, “My Lord, if You wished, You could have destroyed them before, and me too. Will You destroy us for what the fools among us have done? This is just Your trial, whereby You mislead whomever You wish, and You guide whomever You wish. You are our protector, so forgive us and have mercy on us: for You are the best at forgiving. [7:155]
      ​“And ordain good for us in this world and in the hereafter, for we have turned to You.” [God] said, “My punishment I inflict on whomever I will, while My Mercy extends to all things; so I will ordain this for those who are conscientious and pay welfare tax, and those who believe in Our signs; [7:156]
      ​“those who follow the messenger, the unlettered prophet of whom they find written in their sources, in the Torah and the Gospel. He directs them to what is just and forbids them from evil And he permits them wholesome things and forbids them filthy things. He removes their burden for them, and the yokes that were on them. So those who believe in him and honor him and help him and follow the light sent down with him, they are the ones who succeed.” [7:157]
      ​Say, “O humanity, I am a messenger to you all from God, to Whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth: there is no other deity than the One who gives life and causes death, so believe in God and God’s messenger, the unlettered prophet who believes in God and the words of God; and follow him, that you may be guided.” [7:158]
      ​Among the people of Moses is a community that guides by truth and does justice thereby. [7:159]
      ​And We divided them into twelve tribes, and We inspired Moses, when his people asked him for something to drink, “Strike the rock with your staff,” whereupon twelve springs gushed forth; everyone knew their watering place. And We shaded them with clouds, and sent them manna and quail: “Eat of the good things We have provided you.” And they did not harm Us, but they hurt themselves. [7:160]
      ​And it was said to them, “Settle in this town and consume as much as you wish from it. But speak humbly, and enter the gate bowing: We will forgive you your lapses. We will promote those who do good.” [7:161]
      ​But those of them who did wrong substituted a word other than what they were told. So We sent pestilence upon them from the sky, for their iniquity. [7:162]
      ​And ask them about the town by the sea, which omitted the Sabbath: their fish came to them with their heads up on their Sabbath, and did not come on a day they did not rest. So it was that We tried them, because they used to disobey. [7:163]
      ​And when a party among them said, “Why do you counsel people whom God will destroy or punish severely?” They said, “As an excuse to your Lord, and so that they might be conscientious.” [7:164]
      ​Then when they forgot what they had been warned, We saved those who forbade evil, while We seized those who did wrong with a horrible punishment because they had strayed. [7:165]
      ​Then when they insolently opposed the prohibition articulated to them, We said to them, “Be apes, outcast.” [7:166]
      ​And your Lord caused a proclamation to be made, vowing to send against them, on the day of resurrection, those who would inflict horrible punishment upon them. Your Lord is swift in retribution, and yet is forgiving, most merciful. [7:167]
      ​We divided them into communities on earth, some of them righteous, and some of them otherwise. And We tried them with fortunes and troubles so that they might return. [7:168]
      ​Then a later generation succeeded after them, which inherited scripture while grasping the temporal advantage of this moment and saying, “We will be forgiven,” and would grasp a similar advantage if it came to them. Was not the covenant of scripture taken from them, that they would not say anything about God but the truth? And they studied what was in it. But the abode of the hereafter is better for those who are conscientious; will you not understand? [7:169]
      ​As for those who hold fast to scripture and practice prayer, We will never diminish the reward of the righteous. [7:170]
      ​When We shook the mountain above them, as if it were a roof they thought it would fall on them: “Hold strongly to what We have given you, and remember what is in it, that you may be conscientious.” [7:171]
      ​And when your Lord brought the descendants of the children of Adam from their loins, and made them testify about themselves: “Am I not your Lord?” They said, “Oh, yes! We bear witness.” Lest you should say, on the day of resurrection, “We were heedless of this!” [7:172]
      ​Or lest you say, “It was our ancestors who were polytheists of yore; we are their descendants. Will you then destroy us for what was done by those who trifled with vanities?” [7:173]
      ​Thus do We explain the signs distinctly; and so they may perhaps return. [7:174]
      ​And tell them the story of the one to whom We delivered Our signs but he passed them by; then Satan followed him, and he went astray. [7:175]
      Yet if We wished, We would have elevated him by them, but he inclined toward the earth and followed his desires. So he was like a dog, which hangs out its tongue if you attack it, and hangs out its tongue if you leave it alone. That is what the people who’ve rejected Our signs are like. So relate the tale, that they may reflect. [7:176]
      ​A bad example are those who rejected Our signs, and who oppressed their own souls. [7:177]
      ​Whoever God guides is the guided one; and whoever God leaves to wander are the ones who are lost. [7:178]
      ​And We have created many of the sprites and humans for hell: they have hearts, but do not understand thereby; and they have eyes, but do not see thereby; and they have ears, but do not hear thereby. They are like cattle, but even more astray; they are the heedless. [7:179]
      ​The most beautiful names pertain to God, so call on God thereby; and reject those who abuse God’s names— they will be recompensed for what they were doing. [7:180]
      ​Among those We created are a community of people who guide by truth and do justice thereby. [7:181]
      ​As for those who repudiate Our signs, We will bring them to destruction without their even knowing. [7:182]
      ​Yet I prolong their lives; for My strategy is solid. [7:183]
      ​Have they not reflected? Their companion is not possessed— he is but a clear warner. [7:184]
      ​Have they not observed the government of the heavens and the earth and every thing God has created, and that their term may be near? Then what account will they believe after that? [7:185]
      ​Whoever God deludes has no guide: God leaves them to wander in their excess. [7:186]
      ​They ask you about the end of time, when it is set. Say, “Only my Lord has knowledge of that, and no one else reveals its time. It weighs heavily on the heavens and the earth. It will only come to you suddenly, as a surprise.” They ask you as if you were welcoming it. Say, “God alone has that knowledge, but most of the people do not realize.” [7:187]
      ​Say, “I have no power to profit or harm myself, except as God wills. And if I know the unseen, I would surely have made much of the good; and no ill would have touched me. But I am just a warner, and a herald of good news to people who believe.” [7:188]
      ​God it is who created you all from a single self, making its mate from it, to feel at home with her. Then when they have mated, she bears a light burden, and goes about with it. Then when she becomes heavy, they both pray to God, their Lord, “If you give us a healthy child, we will certainly be grateful. ” [7:189]
      ​But when God has given them a healthy child, they attribute partners to God in what God has given them; but God is exalted beyond their attribution. [7:190]
      ​Do they attribute partnership to what create nothing and are themselves created? [7:191]
      ​They are incapable of helping others, and do not help themselves. [7:192]
      ​Even if you call them to guidance, they will not follow you; it is the same for you whether you call them or whether you are silent. [7:193]
      ​Those on whom you call other than God are servants like you; so call on them and let them answer you if you are truthful. [7:194]
      ​Have they feet to walk on? Have they hands to grip with? Have they eyes to see? Have they ears to hear? Say, “Call on your idols, then scheme against me relentlessly! [7:195]
      ​“For my protector is God, who sent down the Book, and who befriends the just. [7:196]
      ​“But those on whom you call besides God cannot help you, and do not help themselves. [7:197]
      ​Even if you called them to guidance, they would not hear; you see them staring at you unseeing. [7:198]
      ​Take to forgiveness, enjoin benevolence, and avoid the ignorant. [7:199]
      And if a suggestion from Satan occurs to you, then take refuge with God, who is all-hearing, all-knowing. [7:200]
      ​As for those who are conscientious, when an impulse from Satan strikes them, they are mindful, and so they see. [7:201]
      But their brothers cause them to increase in error, and unceasingly at that. [7:202]
      ​And if you do not bring them a sign, they say, “Why haven’t you made a selection of them?” Say, “I only follow what is revealed to me from my Lord: that is, insights from your Lord, and guidance, and mercy for people who believe.” [7:203]
      So when the Qur’an is recited, listen to it silently, that you may experience mercy. [7:204]
      ​And remember your Lord within your soul, humbly and meekly, and without speaking loudly, in the mornings and the evenings; and don’t be one of the heedless. [7:205]
      Even those who are in the presence of your Lord are not too proud to serve God, whom they praise and to whom they bow. [7:206]
