Surah Anam
All praise is due God, who created the heavens and the earth, and made the darkness and the light; but the atheistic deem them equal to their Lord. [6:1]
God is the one who created you from clay, then appointed a term. And there is a designated term in the divine presence. Yet you doubt. [6:2]
And this is the God in the heavens and the earth, who knows your secret thoughts and your public appearance, and knows what you are worth. [6:3]
Yet whenever one of the signs of their Lord came to them, they turned away from it. [6:4]
So they have considered truth false when it has come to them; but news of what they used to mock will soon be coming to them. [6:5]
Do they not see how many a generation We annihilated before them, whom We had established on earth with power We have not given you, as We sent them abundant rain from the sky and made rivers flowing below them. But We annihilated them for their crimes, and We produced later generations after them, [6:6]
Had We sent you down a book on paper that they could touch with their hands, the atheists would have surely said, “This is but evident sorcery.” [6:7]
And they said, “Why was an angel not sent down to him?” But if We had sent an angel, the matter would already be decided, and then they would be given no time. [6:8]
And if We had made it an angel, We would have fashioned it as a man, but then We would have cloaked them in their own mystification. [6:9]
Messengers have certainly been ridiculed before you, but those who sneered were surrounded by what they used to scorn. [6:10]
Say, “Travel the earth and see how those who repudiated truth ended up.” [6:11]
Say, “To whom belongs what is in the heavens and earth?” Say, “To God, who is self-committed to mercy. God will certainly gather you to the day of resurrection, in which there is no doubt. Those who have lost their souls are the ones who do not believe.” [6:12]
And whatever dwells in the night and the day belongs to God, who is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing. [6:13]
Say, “Shall I take to a protector other than God, creator of the heavens and the earth, who feeds without being fed?” Say, “I have been instructed to be the first of those who surrender to God; don’t you be idolaters.” [6:14]
Say, “If I defied my Lord, I would fear the torment of a tremendous day. [6:15]
“If it is diverted from anyone on that day, it is God’s mercy. And that is the evident salvation.” [6:16]
And if God touches you with adversity, none can remove it but God. And if God touches you with good, God is capable of everything. [6:17]
And God is the Overwhelming, above the servants of God; and God is the Wise, the Aware. [6:18]
Say, “What thing is greatest as evidence?” Say, “God is witness between me and you; and this Recital has been revealed to me by inspiration, that I may thereby warn you, and whoever it reaches. Do you actually bear witness that there are other deities along with God?” Say, “I do not bear witness.” Say, “There is only the one God, and I am innocent of your idolatry.” [6:19]
Those to whom We have given the Book recognize it as they recognize their own sons. Those who have lost their souls are the ones who do not believe. [6:20]
And who is more wrong than one who invents a lie against God, or denies the truth of God’s signs? Those who do wrong will not thrive. [6:21]
And one day We will gather them all together, then We will say to the idolaters, “Where are your idols, in which you used to believe?” [6:22]
Then there will be no excuse for them, except to say, “By God, our Lord, we were not idolaters.” [6:23]
See how they lie about themselves, though what they’ve invented will leave them in a lurch. [6:24]
Some of them listen to you, but We have put veils over their hearts preventing them from understanding it, and deafness in their ears; even if they saw every sign , they would not believe in them; so when they come to you they dispute with you: the scoffers say, “These are mere fables of the ancients!” [6:25]
And they keep others from it, and avoid it themselves; but they only destroy their own souls, without realizing. [6:26]
If you could only see when they are made to stand before the fire; they will say, “Would that we were sent back— we would not repudiate the signs of our Lord, and we would be believers.” [6:27]
But what they had been hiding before will become evident to them. And if they were sent back, they would surely revert to what they had been forbidden, as they are certainly liars. [6:28]
And they have said, “There is nothing but our life in the world; we will not be resurrected.” [6:29]
And if you could only see when they are made to stand before their Lord, who will say, “Is this not the truth?” They will say, “Oh, yes, our Lord!” “Then taste the penalty for your atheism.” [6:30]
Those who repudiate the meeting with God are already lost. Then when the time suddenly comes for them, they will say, “Ah, too bad for us that we ignored it, ” as they carry their burdens on their backs. Is what they bear not painful? [6:31]
And what is the life of the world but a game and a pastime? Surely the home of the hereafter is better for the conscientious. Do you not now understand? [6:32]
We know what they say grieves you, but they are not repudiating you; rather, it is the signs of God the oppressors repudiate. [6:33]
Messengers have been rejected before you, but they endured rejection and hurt until Our help came to them. For none can change the words of God. And some account of the emissaries has indeed reached you. [6:34]
Even if it has been hard on you to be shunned by them, it would be so even if you could find a tunnel through the earth or a ladder to the sky to bring them a sign, though God could, at will, surely gather them to guidance. So don’t be among the ignorant. [6:35]
Only those who listen hear; as for the dead, God will resurrect them, and then they will be returned to God. [6:36]
They say, “Why has a sign not been sent down to him from his Lord?” Say, “God is able to send a sign, but most of them do not know.” [6:37]
There is no animal on earth, nor yet a bird on the wing, but forms communities like you. We have not neglected anything in the Book; and they will ultimately be gathered to their Lord. [6:38]
Those who repudiate Our signs are deaf and dumb, in the dark. God confuses whomever God will, and places whomever God will on a straight path. [6:39]
Say, “Do you think, When the punishment of God gets to you, or the end of time arrives for you, that you will call on other than God, if you are sincere?” [6:40]
No, it is God on whom you will call for help, and who will remove what you call for help from, if that be God’s will; and you will forget what you idolized. [6:41]
We sent messengers to nations before you; and We afflicted them with injury and adversity, that they might become humble. [6:42]
So why did they not become humble when Our vengeance came upon them? Instead their hearts hardened, and Satan made what they were doing seem pleasing to them. [6:43]
Then when they forgot what they had been warned about, We opened the doors of all things to them; until, as they rejoiced in what they were given, We suddenly punished them, and then they despaired. [6:44]
So the last remnant of the people who went wrong was cut off, thanks to God, Lord of all worlds. [6:45]
Say, “Do you think that if God took your hearing and your vision, and sealed up your hearts, some deity other than God would give them to you?” See how We explain the signs, then they turn away. [6:46]
Say, “Do you think to yourselves that if the punishment of God comes upon you, suddenly or visibly, that any will be annihilated but people who are unjust?” [6:47]
And We do not send emissaries except as bearers of good tidings, and warners; so those who believe and act with integrity have nothing to fear, and they will not sorrow. [6:48]
As for those who repudiated Our signs, the torment will touch them for their deviation. [6:49]
Say, “I do not tell you I have the treasures of God, and I do not know the unseen. And I do not tell you that I am an angel. I only follow what has been revealed to me by inspiration.” Say, “Are the blind and the seeing the same?” Will you not reflect? [6:50]
Warn hereby those who fear they will be gathered to their Lord— other than which they have no protector, and no intercessor— that they may be conscientious. [6:51]
And do not reject those who call on their Lord in the morning and the evening, seeking divine attention. You are not accountable for them in anything, and they are not accountable for you in anything, that you should reject them and so be among the unjust. [6:52]
Thus We tried some of them by others, that they would say, “Are these the ones God has favored among us?” Does God not know the grateful ones best? [6:53]
When those who believe in Our signs come to you, say, “Peace be upon you.” Your Lord is self-committed to mercy, so that if any of you does wrong in ignorance, then repents after that and makes amends, God is most forgiving, most merciful. [6:54]
Thus do We explain the signs, so the way of sinners should be evident. [6:55]
Say, “I am forbidden to worship those you pray to besides God.” Say, “I will not follow your desires; I would already have strayed if I did, and I would not be one of those guided aright.” [6:56]
Say, “I am going on evidence from my Lord, whom you repudiate. What you would hasten is not up to me; for the judgment belongs solely to God, who tells the truth and is the best of judges.” [6:57]
Say, “If what you would hasten were up to me, the matter between us would have been settled; but God knows better who are unjust.” [6:58]
And the keys of the unseen are with God, who alone knows them. And God knows what is on the land and in the sea. And not a leaf falls but God knows it, and there is not a single grain in the darknesses of earth, and nothing green and nothing dry, but is in an explanatory Book. [6:59]
It is God who takes your souls by night, and knows what you acquire by day; and God raises you up then, so an appointed term may be fulfilled. Then your recourse is to God, who will inform you of what you were doing. [6:60]
And God is the conqueror overpowering all beings; and God sends protectors over you, until when death comes to one of you Our emissaries take the soul, without fail. [6:61]
Then they are returned to God, their protector, the Truth. Does not the judgment belong to God, the quickest to take account? [6:62]
Say, “Who delivers you from the darkness of land and sea, whom you call on in humility and awe: ‘If only God delivers us from this, we will certainly be grateful!’?” [6:63]
Say, “God delivers you from these and from all distress, and yet you worship idols.” [6:64]
Say, “God is able to send torment upon you from above you, or from beneath your feet; or to confuse you with factions and make you taste each other’s viciousness.” See how We explain the signs so that they may understand. [6:65]
Yet your people consider it false, though it is the truth. Say, “I am not responsible for you. [6:66]
“There is a term for every message; and you will know.” [6:67]
And when you see those who take up Our signs rashly, avoid them until they take up another topic. And if Satan would make you forget, then after remembrance do not sit with people who are wrong. [6:68]
For the conscientious have no responsibility for anything on their account, except reminder, that they may become conscientious. [6:69]
And so leave those who take their religion for play and amusement, whom the life of the world has deceived. Remind them that a soul is delivered to perdition by what it has earned; it has no protector but God, and no intercessor; and even if it pays every ransom, none will be accepted from it. They are the ones who deliver themselves to perdition by what they have earned. They will have boiling water for drink and a painful torment, because they were atheistic. [6:70]
Say, “Shall we pray to what cannot help or harm us, rather than God, and turn on our heels after God has guided us, like one whom Satan has enchanted, bewildered on the earth, who has friends calling him to guidance— ‘Come to us!’?” Say, “It is the guidance of God that is actually guidance; and we have been commanded to surrender to the Lord of all worlds, [6:71]
“and to pray regularly and be conscientious. For it is to God that you will be gathered.” [6:72]
And it is God who created the heavens and the earth by truth, for the day God says “Be,” then it is— the word of God is truth. And on the day the trumpet is blown, the power will belong to God, Knower of the hidden and the manifest, the Judicious, the Aware. [6:73]
Abraham said to his father Azar, “Do you take idols for deities? I see you and your people in evident error.” [6:74]
And so We showed Abraham the empire of the heavens and the earth, so he would be one of the certain. [6:75]
Then when night fell over him, he saw a star: he said, “This is my Lord.” But then when it set, he said, “I do not love what goes down.” [6:76]
Then when he saw the moon rising, he said, “This is my Lord.” But when it set, he said, “If my Lord does not guide me, I will be among the people who err.” [6:77]
Then when he saw the sun rising, he said, “This is my Lord. This is greatest.” But then when it set he said, “O my people, I am innocent of your idolatry. [6:78]
“I have turned my face to the One who created the heavens and the earth, in true devotion; and I am not an idolater.” [6:79]
But his people disputed with him. He said, “Do you dispute with me about God, though God has guided me? I do not fear anything you associate with God, unless my Lord wills. And my Lord comprehends all things in knowledge; will you not take a lesson? [6:80]
“And how would I fear what you idolize, while you do not fear attributing partners to God, for which God has given you no authority? Which of the two parties has more right to security, if you know? [6:81]
“Those who believe and do not dress their belief with injustice— they are the ones for whom there’s security, as they are ones who are guided.” [6:82]
And that was the argument on Our behalf We gave to Abraham versus his people. We raise by degrees whomever We will. For your Lord is most judicious, most intelligent. [6:83]
And We gave him Isaac and Jacob. We guided them all. And We guided Noah before that; and from his descendants David and Solomon, and Jacob and Joseph, and Moses and Aaron. Thus do We recompense those who do good. [6:84]
And Zacharias and John, and Jesus and Elias. Each of them had integrity. [6:85]
And Ishmael and Elisha, and Jonas and Lot; and each of them We blessed over all people, [6:86]
and their ancestors and descendants and brethren: We chose them, and guided them to a straight path. [6:87]
That is God’s guidance, by which God guides whichever of God’s servants God will. And if they associated anything with God, whatever they did would be fruitless for them. [6:88]
Those are the ones to whom We gave scripture, and law, and prophethood. But if they reject them, then We will entrust them to a people that does not reject them. [6:89]
They are the ones whom God guided, so emulate their guidance. Say, “I do not ask you any reward for this; for it is nothing but a reminder for all peoples.” [6:90]
They do not assess the capacity of God truly when they say God has not revealed anything to a human being. Say, “Who revealed the Book brought by Moses, as light and guidance for humanity— which you make into paper and show, while concealing much— so you were taught what you did not know, neither you nor your ancestors?” Say, “God,” then leave them to play at their vain discussions. [6:91]
This is a book We have revealed, blessed, verifying what preceded it, and so you may warn the Mother of Cities and those around her. And those who believe in the hereafter believe in it, and they are attentive to their prayer. [6:92]
And who is more wrong than one who invents a lie against God, or claims, “I have been inspired,” when he has not received any inspiration at all; or who says, “I will reveal the likes of what God revealed”? If you could only see the unjust in the throes of death, with the angels stretching forth their hands— “Give up your souls. Today you will be rewarded with the torment of ignominy, because you used to say of God what is not true, and you thought yourselves too important for the signs of God.” [6:93]
You come to Us alone, as We first created you; and you leave behind what We bestowed on you. And We do not see your intercessors with you, whom you assert to be your partners. Connection between you is severed, and what you have asserted has left you. [6:94]
It is God who causes the grain and the date stone to split and sprout; God brings forth the living from the dead, and is the one who brings forth the dead from the living. That is God for you; so how can you be deceived? [6:95]
God causes the morning to dawn, and has made the night for quietude, and the sun and the moon for calculation. That is the determination of the Mighty, the Knowing. [6:96]
And God it is who made the stars for you, that you may be guided by them in the darknesses of land and sea. We have made the signs clear to people who discern. [6:97]
And God is the one who created you all from one soul, a residence and a repository. We have made the signs clear to people who understand. [6:98]
And it is God who causes water to descend from the sky; and We produce thereby sprouts of every thing, from which We produce greenery, from which We produce heaps of grain; and from the date palm, clusters of fruit hanging from its spathes; and groves of grapes, and olives, and pomegranates, similar but unalike. Behold their fruit when they bear, and in its ripeness; surely in that are signs for people who believe. [6:99]
Yet they consider sprites partners of God, though God created them; and they falsely attribute sons and daughters to God, without knowledge. Glory be to God, exalted beyond what they describe. [6:100]
How can the creator of the heavens and the earth have a son without having a consort? The creator produced all things, and knows everything. [6:101]
That is God, your Lord; there is no other deity but the creator of all things— so worship God, who’s in charge of all things. [6:102]
No vision comprehends God, but God comprehends all vision; and God is most subtle, aware. [6:103]
Insights from your Lord have already come to you: so if anyone sees, it is for his own benefit; and if anyone is blind, it is to his own detriment. And I am not a guardian to watch over you. [6:104]
Thus do We explain the signs, that they may say you have learned, and that We may clarify this to discerning people. [6:105]
Follow the inspiration revealed to you from your Lord—there is no other deity. And avoid those who practice idolatry. [6:106]
If God had so willed, they would not have practiced idolatry; but We have not made you a guard over them, and you are not manager of their affairs. [6:107]
And do not insult what they pray to besides God, lest they revile God in a hostile way, without knowledge. Thus do We make every people’s actions seem charming to them; but then their return will be to their Lord, who will inform them of what they had been doing. [6:108]
They swear their most powerful oaths by God, that if a sign came to them they would surely believe in it. Say, “The signs belong to God alone; and what will make you understand that they will not believe even if signs come?” [6:109]
We will upset their hearts and their eyes, as they would not believe in this the first time; and We will leave them to wander distracted in their excesses. [6:110]
Even if We sent the angels down to them, and the dead spoke to them, and We gathered everything together before them, they would not believe, unless God willed— but then most of them are irrational. [6:111]
Thus have We made an enemy for every prophet— humans and spirit devils who inspire each other deceitfully with gilded words. If your Lord had wished, they would not have done that; so leave them and what they invent. [6:112]
Let their hearts incline thereunto, those who don’t believe in the hereafter; let them take pleasure in it, and gain what they can gain. [6:113]
Should I seek a judge other than God, who revealed the Book to you, clearly explained? And those to whom We have given the Book know that it has been sent down from your Lord in truth. So don’t be among the doubters. [6:114]
The word of your Lord is fulfilled in truth and justice. No one can change the words of God, who is all-hearing, all knowing. [6:115]
Were you to obey most of those on earth, they would divert you from the way of God; for they follow only conjecture, and they are only guessing. [6:116]
Your Lord knows best who strays from the way of God, and knows best who is guided. [6:117]
So partake of that over which the name of God has been invoked, if you’re believers in the signs of the divine. [6:118]
Why should you not partake of what God’s name has been invoked upon, when God has already explained to you in detail what is forbidden to you unless you are compelled? But many will mislead by their desires, without knowledge. It is your Lord who knows best the transgressors. [6:119]
So abandon sin, open and secret; for those who commit sin will be repaid for what they perpetrated. [6:120]
And do not partake of anything over which the name of God has not been invoked, for that would be immoral. And the devils will surely inspire their friends to contend with you; and if you were to obey them, you would be idolaters. [6:121]
Can one who was dead but whom We revived and gave light whereby to walk among humanity be like one in the darknesses from which there is no emerging? Thus are the doings of atheists made to seem pleasing to them. [6:122]
Thus have We put grandees in every population, sinners among them, to plot in their midst: but they only plot against their souls, without even perceiving. [6:123]
And when a sign comes to them, they say, “We will not believe until we are given the likes of what the prophets of God were given.” God knows best where to place the divine commission. Contempt in the sight of God will befall those who plotted, and a severe punishment, for what they used to plot. [6:124]
So whomever God wishes to guide, God opens his heart to surrender; and whomever God wishes to delude, God makes his heart narrow, congested, as if he were trying to climb to the sky. Thus does God place a penalty on those who will not believe. [6:125]
And this is the path of your Lord, straight; We have explained the signs in detail for people who take a lesson. [6:126]
There is an abode of peace for them in the presence of their Lord, who is their protector because of what they’ve been doing. [6:127]
And one day God will gather them all together: “O company of sprites! You have exploited humankind!” And their friends among humans will say, “Our Lord, we have taken advantage of each other, but now we have come to the term limit You have set for us.” God will say, “The fire is your abode, wherein you will remain, except as God wills. For your Lord is most wise, most knowing.” [6:128]
Thus do We make wrongdoers turn to each other for what they’ve been seeking. [6:129]
O assembly of sprites and humans! Did not messengers from among you come to you narrating My signs to you, and warning you of the meeting of this day of yours? They will say, “We testified against ourselves.” The life of the world deceived them, and so they testified against themselves that they were atheistic. [6:130]
That was so your Lord would not annihilate settlements for injustice while their inhabitants were unaware. [6:131]
They all have ranks according to what they have done; and your Lord is not heedless of what they do. [6:132]
And your Lord is uniquely independent, yet merciful: if God willed, God would remove you and replace you with anyone God wishes, just as God created you from the posterity of other people. [6:133]
What you have been promised is coming, for sure; and you cannot thwart it. [6:134]
Say, “O my people, work according to your ability; I myself am working. Then you will know who will end up home in paradise. It is certain that those who do wrong will not succeed.” [6:135]
They set aside a share of produce and livestock for God, saying, “This is for God,” as they imagine, and “This is for our idols,” so what was for their idols does not reach God, and what was for God does not reach their idols. Their judgment is bad. [6:136]
Even so, their idols made the killing of their children seem attractive to most of the idolaters, in order to lead them to destruction and confuse them in their religion. If God willed, they would not have done that; so leave them and what they invent. [6:137]
And they say certain livestock and produce are taboo, which none should eat but those We wish, according to their imagination; and certain livestock are not to be burdened, and there are certain livestock over whom the name of God is not invoked, as an invention against it. God will repay them for what they invented. [6:138]
And they say, “What is in the wombs of certain livestock is particularly reserved for our males and forbidden to our wives. But if it is dead, then they share it.” God will repay them for their assertion; for God is most wise, most knowing. [6:139]
Those who kill their children in folly and ignorance, and forbid what God has bestowed on them, as an invention against God, they have gone astray, and are not guided. [6:140]
And it is God who originated gardens, trellised and untrellised; and the date palm, and the sowing of various edibles; and the olive; and pomegranates, similar and dissimilar. Eat of their fruits when they bear, and pay what is due on them the day of harvest. And do not be wasteful, for God does not like the wasteful. [6:141]
Among the livestock are the beasts of burden and those for slaughter; partake of what God has provided for you, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan, who is an open enemy to you. [6:142]
About the eight in pairs— two of sheep and two of goats— say, has God forbidden the two males, or the two females, or what the wombs of the two females contain? Inform me, with knowledge, if you are truthful. [6:143]
And two of camels, and two of oxen— Say, has God forbidden the two males, or the two females, or what the wombs of the two females contain? Were you witnesses when God enjoined this upon you? And who is more astray than one who fabricates a lie against God to delude the people, without knowledge? Indeed, God does not guide people who go wrong. [6:144]
Say, “In what was revealed to me by inspiration I do not find anything forbidden to a consumer who eats it, except what is dead, or blood poured out, or the flesh of the swine—for that is an abomination— or the illegitimate consecrated to other than God.” But if anyone is compelled, without wanting to or going to excess, then your Lord is forgiving, most merciful. [6:145]
To the Jews We forbade everything with claws or uncloven hooves; and of oxen and sheep We forbade them the fat, except what adheres to their backs or intestines, or what is mixed up with bone. That is how We repaid them for their iniquity; for We are truthful indeed. [6:146]
If they call you a liar, then say, “Your Lord has all-encompassing mercy, but the divine rigor will not be averted from people guilty of sin.” [6:147]
The idolaters will say, “Had God willed, we would not have practiced idolatry, nor would have our ancestors; and we would not have made anything taboo.” Thus did their predecessors contend, until they experienced Our rigor. Say, “Do you have any knowledge? If so, produce it for us. You follow only conjecture and you are only guessing.” [6:148]
Say, “God has the conclusive argument; God would have guided you all, had that been the divine will.” [6:149]
Say, “Bring your witnesses, who testify that God forbade this.” And even if they testify, do not testify with them. And do not follow the desires of those who repudiate Our signs, and those who do not believe in the hereafter, considering as they do their Lord equal to others. [6:150]
Come, and I will declare what your Lord has forbidden you. You should not associate anything with God; you should be good to your parents, and not kill your children on account of poverty— We provide for you and for them. And do not approach indecencies, whether outward or inward. And do not kill a person —which God has made sacred— except by justice. Thus has God commanded you, that you may understand. [6:151]
And do not approach the property of the orphan, except with what is better, until he comes of age. And give full weight and measure, with justice. We do not burden any soul beyond its capacity. So when you speak, be fair, even if it concerns a close relative. And fulfill the covenant of God; that God has commanded you, so you may be mindful. [6:152]
This is My path, which is straight; so follow it. And do not pursue paths that would separate you from this path. That God has commanded you, so you may be conscientious. [6:153]
We gave Moses scripture, moreover, for the fulfillment of those who do good, explaining everything distinctly, as guidance and mercy, that they may believe in the meeting with their Lord. [6:154]
This is a blessed Book which We have revealed; so follow it and be conscientious, that you may receive mercy, [6:155]
lest you say, “Scripture was only revealed to two groups before us, and we are ignorant of their learning.” [6:156]
Or lest you say, “If the Book had been revealed to us, we would have been better guided than they.” So clarification has come to you from your Lord, and guidance and mercy; and who is more wrong than one who repudiates the signs of God and shuns them? We will recompense those who shun Our signs, with a horrendous torment for their rejection. [6:157]
Are they waiting for anything but for the angels to come to them, or your Lord to come to them, or some of the signs of your Lord to come to them? The day some of the signs of your Lord come, no one will profit from faith in them if he didn’t believe in them before, or accomplish good through faith in them. Say, “Wait and see, for we are waiting.” [6:158]
As for those who divide their religion into sects, you have nothing to do with them; their business is up to God, who will inform them of what they were doing. [6:159]
For whoever brings about good, there is ten times its like; and whoever brings about ill will not be repaid but by the same: and they will not be wronged. [6:160]
Say, “My Lord alone has guided me to a straight path, a true religion, the way of Abraham, devoted, who was not an idolater.” [6:161]
Say, “My prayer and my devotion, my life and my death, are for God, Lord of all worlds, [6:162]
who has no partners: that is what I have been ordered, and I am the first to acquiesce. ” [6:163]
Say, “Would I seek a lord other than the God that is Lord of all things?” No soul gets but what it is due, and no one bearing responsibility can bear the burden of another. And then your destination is back to God, who will inform you about that wherein you differed. [6:164]
For God is the one who made you deputies on earth and raised some of you in ranks over others, in order to test you in what God gave you; for your Lord is swift in punishment, and yet is truly forgiving and merciful. [6:165]