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  • ٱلْأَعْلَىٰ
    Surah Ala
    The Most High
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    Surah Number 87
    Meanings & Titles of Surah The Most High, The All-Highest, Glory To Your Lord In The Highest
    Place of Revelation Makkah
    Number of Verses 19
    Number of Rukus ½
    Number of Words (Without Repeated Words) 67
    Total Number of Words 72
    Number of Letters 296
    Page Number 591
    Juz Number 30
    MP3 Download

    Surah Ala

      ​Extol the name of your Lord, the Highest, [87:1]
      ​who has created and regulated [87:2]
      ​and who has destined and guided [87:3]
      ​and who has produced green pasture [87:4]
      ​and made it brown waste. [87:5]
      ​We will have you recite so you won’t forget [87:6]
      ​except what God wills, for God knows what is manifest and what is concealed. [87:7]
      ​And We will ease you into the easiest way: [87:8]
      ​so advise, if advice avails. [87:9]
      ​Those who fear God will take a lesson, [87:10]
      ​while the most wretched will turn away— [87:11]
      ​those who will roast in the greatest fire [87:12]
      ​where they will neither die nor live. [87:13]
      ​Happy are those who have purified themselves [87:14]
      ​and remember the name of their Lord and pray. [87:15]
      ​But you prefer the life of the world [87:16]
      ​though the hereafter is better and more lasting. [87:17]
      ​This is, indeed, in the earlier books, [87:18]
      in the books of Abraham and Moses. [87:19]
