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  • آلِ عِمْرَان
    Surah Al Imran
    The Family Of Imran
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    Surah Number 3
    Meanings & Titles of Surah The Family of Imraan, The House of ʿImrān
    Place of Revelation Madinah
    Number of Verses 200
    Number of Rukus 20
    Number of Words (Without Repeated Words) 1469
    Total Number of Words 3501
    Number of Letters 14985
    Page Number 50
    Juz Number 3 & 4
    MP3 Download

    Surah Al Imran

      A.L.M. [3:1]
      There is no deity but God, the Living, the Self-Existent. [3:2]
      God revealed the Book to you in truth, verifying what was before it; God revealed the Torah and the Gospel before as guidance for humanity; and God revealed the Criterion. [3:3]
      ​As for those who repudiate the signs of God there is a severe torment for them; and God is almighty, able to avenge. [3:4]
      Indeed, nothing is hidden from God, on earth or in heaven. [3:5]
      It is God who forms you in the wombs, as God wishes; there is no other god but the One, the Mighty, the Wise. [3:6]
      ​It is God who has revealed the Book to you, including precise signs, which are the matrix of the Book, and others that are ambiguous. As for those with perversion in their hearts, they follow the ambiguous part, seeking discord, and seeking explanation for it. But no one knows its explanation but God; and those deeply rooted in knowledge say, “We believe in it. It is all from our Lord.” And no one will bear it in mind but those with understanding: [3:7]
      ​Our Lord, do not let our hearts deviate after You have guided us. And give us mercy from Yourself; for You are most generous. [3:8]
      ​Our Lord, You are the one who will gather humankind for a day in which there is no doubt; for God never breaks a promise. [3:9]
      As for those who scoff, neither their wealth nor their children will avail them at all against God; and they are fuel for the fire, [3:10]
      ​as were Pharaoh’s people, and those before them: they repudiated Our signs, so God took them to task for their sins. And God is severe in punishment. [3:11]
      ​Say to those who scoff, “You will be overcome, and gathered into hell; and what a miserable bed!” [3:12]
      ​There has already been a sign for you in two armies who met; one party fought in the way of God, while the other was a group of scoffers; it seemed to them that they saw twice their own number. And God strengthens whomever God will by divine assistance. Surely there is a lesson in that for those who have eyes. [3:13]
      ​Made to seem pleasing to humanity is love of desires for women and children and heaps and hoards of gold and silver, and domesticated horses, and cattle, and fields. Those are conveniences for the life of the world, while the finest resort is the presence of God. [3:14]
      ​Say: Shall I tell you of something better than what you have? For those who are conscientious there are gardens in the presence of their Lord, below which rivers flow, where they will abide; and pure spouses, and acceptance from God. And God sees the devoted, [3:15]
      ​those who say, “Our Lord, we believe, so forgive us our sins, and save us from the torment of the fire,” [3:16]
      ​the patient, the truthful, the devout, the generous, and who pray for forgiveness in the mornings before daybreak. [3:17]
      ​God has testified that there is no other God; and so have the angels, and those endowed with knowledge, standing on justice. There is no other god but God, the Mighty, the Wise. [3:18]
      ​In relation to God, religion is surrender: while those to whom scripture was given did not disagree until after knowledge came to them, oppressing one another. And whoever rejects the signs of God, surely God is quick to take account. [3:19]
      ​So if they dispute with you, say, “I have surrendered my being to God, and so have those who follow me.” And say to those who have been given scripture, and to the unlettered, “Have you surrendered?” And if they have surrendered, then they are already guided. And if they turn away, your only responsibility is to deliver the message. And God sees the devoted. [3:20]
      ​As for those who scoff at the signs of God and kill the prophets unjustly, and kill those people who enjoin justice, inform them of a painful chastisement. [3:21]
      ​They are those whose works are fruitless, in the world and the hereafter; and they have no saviors. [3:22]
      ​Have you not observed those to whom part of the Book was revealed, as they are invited to the Book of God to judge among them, then a faction of them turn back and decline? [3:23]
      ​That is because they say, “The fire will not touch us but for numbered days,” and what they have been making up deceives them with false hopes in their religion. [3:24]
      ​And so how about when We gather them to a day in which there is no doubt, and every soul will be paid what it has earned, and they will not be wronged! [3:25]
      ​Say, “O my God, possessor of all power, You empower whomever You will, and You strip power from whomever You will. You honor whomever You will, and You abase whomever You will. All good is in Your hands. Truly You are capable of everything. [3:26]
      ​“You cause night to enter day, and You cause day to enter night; and You bring forth the living from the dead, and You bring forth the dead from the living. And You provide sustenance for whomever You will, without measure.” [3:27]
      ​Believers are not to take scoffers for friends instead of believers; if anyone does that, then there is nothing from God, except that you may be wary of them. And God warns you of God; and the journey is to God. [3:28]
      ​Say, “Whether you conceal what is in your hearts or reveal it, what is in the heavens and what is on earth. And God is capable of all things.” [3:29]
      ​On the day when each soul will be faced with the good it has done, and the bad it has done, it will wish there were a great distance between itself and the bad. And God warns you of God; and God is merciful to the devoted. [3:30]
      ​Say, “If you love God, then follow me; God will love you and forgive you your sins; for God is most forgiving, most merciful.” [3:31]
      ​Say, “Obey God and the messenger.” Then if they turn back, God does not love the scoffers. [3:32]
      ​God chose over all people Adam and Noah, and the family of Abraham, and the family of Imran, [3:33]
      ​offspring one of the other. And God is all-hearing, all-knowing. [3:34]
      ​A woman of Imran said, “My Lord, I devote what is in my womb exclusively to the service of God; so accept this from me, for You are the all-hearing, the all-knowing.” [3:35]
      ​Then when she gave birth to her, she said, “My Lord, I have given birth to a girl,” though God knew better what she bore— “and the male is not like the female. And I have named her Mary; and I commend her and her progeny to Your protection from Satan the accursed.” [3:36]
      ​Her Lord accepted her, with a gracious reception, and caused her to grow up beautifully, and entrusted her to Zacharias. Whenever Zacharias went to her in her private chamber, he found supplies with her. He said, “Mary, where do you get this?” She said, “It is from God; for God provides for whomever God will, beyond any accounting.” [3:37]
      ​There Zacharias prayed to his Lord. He said, “My Lord, grant me good progeny from You; for You hear prayer.” [3:38]
      ​Then the angels called him while he was standing there praying in the room, saying, “God gives you glad tidings of John, verifying a word from God, noble, chaste; a prophet, one of the righteous.” [3:39]
      ​He said, “My Lord, how can I have a son, as I am already old, and my wife is barren?” “Thus does God do what God wills.” [3:40]
      ​He said, “My Lord, give me a sign.” “Your sign is that you shall not speak to anyone for three days, except by signals. And remember your Lord a lot, and glorify God in the evening and the morning.” [3:41]
      ​And the angels said, “O Mary, God has chosen you and purified you, chosen you over the women of all peoples. [3:42]
      “Mary, obey your Lord devoutly, worship, and bow in prayer with those bowing in prayer.” [3:43]
      That is from communications of the unseen, which We intimate to you. You were not with them when they were casting lots to decide which of them would support Mary, and you were not with them when they were arguing. [3:44]
      ​The angels said, “O Mary, God gives you good news of a word from God, named the Messiah, Jesus Son of Mary, honored in the world and the hereafter, and one of the intimates of God. [3:45]
      ​“And he will speak to the people in infancy and maturity, and be one of the righteous.” [3:46]
      ​She said, “My Lord! How can I have a son, when no man has touched me?” “Thus does God create at will: when God decides on something, God simply says to it ‘Be!’ and it is. [3:47]
      ​“And God will teach him scripture and wisdom, and the Torah and the Gospel, [3:48]
      ​“and to be an emissary to the Children of Israel: I have come to you with a sign from your Lord. I will make you a figure of a bird out of clay, and breathe into it, whereat it will become a bird, with God’s permission. And I heal the blind and the leprous, and revive the dead, with God’s permission. And I tell you what you consume and what you keep in your homes. Surely there is a sign in that for you, if you are believers. [3:49]
      ​“‘And verifying the Torah before me, and to legitimize for you some of what had been forbidden you, I have come to you with a sign from your Lord. So be conscious of God and obey me.’ [3:50]
      ​“‘It is God that is my Lord and your Lord, so serve God; this is a straight path.’” [3:51]
      ​Then when Jesus perceived atheism among them, he said, “Who will be my allies on the way to God?” The disciples said, “We are allies of God. We believe in God; witness that we surrender to God. [3:52]
      ​“Our Lord, we believe in what You have revealed, and we follow the emissary; so record us among the witnesses.” [3:53]
      ​Yet they plotted, but God plotted too; and God is the best of plotters. [3:54]
      ​God said, “Jesus, I will take you unto Myself, and I will elevate you to Me, and clear you of those who scoff, and place those who follow you above those who scoff until the day of resurrection. Then you all will return to Me, and I will judge among you in matters on which you disagree. [3:55]
      ​“And as for those who scoff, I will punish them with severe punishment in the world and the hereafter, and they will have no saviors. [3:56]
      ​“And as for those who believe and do good works, God will pay them their rewards. And God does not love wrongdoers. [3:57]
      ​“That is what We tell you of the signs and the wise admonition.” [3:58]
      ​Jesus was to God like Adam was: God created him from dust, then said, “Be,” and he was. [3:59]
      Truth is from your Lord, so do not be a doubter. [3:60]
      Now if anyone disputes with you about this after knowledge has come to you, say, “Come, let us call our children and your children, our women and your women, ourselves and yourselves— and invoke the curse of God on liars.” [3:61]
      This is the true story: there is no god but God. And God is the Mighty, the Wise. [3:62]
      So if they turn back, God knows the corrupt. [3:63]
      ​Say, “People of scripture, come to terms common between us and you, that we will worship only God, and not associate anything with God, and that none of us will take others for lords instead of God.” And if they turn back, then say, “Witness that we acquiesce to God.” [3:64]
      ​People of the book, why do you argue about Abraham, when the Torah and the Gospel were not revealed until after him? Don’t you understand? [3:65]
      ​You there—you got into arguments about what you had knowledge of; but why do you dispute about what you have no knowledge of? God is the one who knows, not you. [3:66]
      ​Abraham was not Jewish or Christian, but he was a committed devotee, and not a polytheistic one. [3:67]
      ​Surely the closest people to Abraham are those who follow him, including this prophet and those who believe. And God is the friend of the believers. [3:68]
      ​A party of the people of the Book wished they could mislead you, but they only mislead themselves, without even knowing. [3:69]
      ​O People of scripture— why do you scoff at the signs of God, even as you witness? [3:70]
      ​O People of scripture— why do you clothe truth with falsehood, and knowingly hide the truth? [3:71]
      ​A part of the people of scripture say, “Believe what has been revealed to those who believe at the start of the day, and reject it at the end of the day, that they may revert. [3:72]
      ​“And do not believe anyone unless he follows your religion.” Say, “Guidance is the guidance of God. Is it that someone might be given the likes of what you were given, or that they might dispute with you before your Lord?” Say, “Blessing is by the agency of God, who gives it to whomever God will; and God is all-encompassing, all-knowing. [3:73]
      ​God selects whomever God will for divine mercy; and God is possessor of sublime grace. [3:74]
      ​And among the people of scripture are those who would return a hundred pounds of gold to you if you entrusted it to them; and among them are those who would not return even a single coin to you unless you kept after them, because they say, “We are not obliged to look after the interests of the illiterates.” And they knowingly tell a lie against God. [3:75]
      ​O no! In the case of he who keeps his promise and is conscientious, surely God loves the conscientious. [3:76]
      ​As for those who exchange the covenant of God —and their oath— for a petty price, they have no part in the hereafter; and God will not speak to them or look at them on the day of resurrection, and will not purify them. And there is a painful torment for them. [3:77]
      ​And there is a party among them who distort scripture with their tongues, so that you would consider that to be from scripture when it is not from scripture; and they say it is from God when it is not from God; and they knowingly tell a lie against God. [3:78]
      ​It is not for a human being that God should give one scripture and wisdom and prophethood, then he should say to the people, “Be devotees of me instead of God.” Rather be devotees of God, as you have taught scripture and you have studied. [3:79]
      And he would not enjoin you to take the angels and prophets for lords; would he bid you to infidelity after you have surrendered to God? [3:80]
      ​And remember how God took the covenant of the prophets: “After what I have given you of scripture and wisdom, there will come to you a prophet verifying what you have; you shall believe in him and help him.” God said, “Do you confirm My covenant and take it upon yourselves?” They said, “We confirm it.” God said, “Then bear witness, and I am with you among the witnesses.” [3:81]
      ​So any who turn back after that are deviants. [3:82]
      ​Do they seek something besides the religion of God, to Whom all in the heavens and on earth have submitted, willingly or unwillingly, and to Whom they will be returned? [3:83]
      ​Say, “We believe in God, and in what has been revealed to us, and in what was revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes; and in what was given to Moses, Jesus, and the prophets, from their Lord. We do not discriminate between individuals among them; for we submit to God.” [3:84]
      ​If anyone seeks other than submission to God as a religion, it will not be accepted from him; and he will be a loser in the hereafter. [3:85]
      ​How does God guide people who have scoffed after they have believed and witnessed that the messenger is genuine and the proofs have come to them? God does not guide an unjust people. [3:86]
      ​Their reward is that on them is the curse of God and the angels and all humankind. [3:87]
      ​They will remain therein; their punishment will not be lightened, and they will not be given respite. [3:88]
      ​Except those who repent after that and make amends; for God is most forgiving, most merciful. [3:89]
      As for those who scoff after they have believed, and then increase in rejection, their repentance will not be accepted; they are the lost. [3:90]
      ​As for those who scoff and die atheists, even the earth full of gold would not be accepted from any of them, were he to try to redeem himself thereby. For them there is a painful torment, and they have no saviors. [3:91]
      ​You will not attain righteousness until you give of what you care for; and whatever you give, surely God knows it. [3:92]
      ​All food was permissible to the children of Israel except what Israel forbade itself before the Torah was revealed. Say, “Bring the Torah and read it, if you are truthful.” [3:93]
      ​So if any fabricate a lie against God after that, they are wrongdoers. [3:94]
      ​Say, “God is truthful; so follow the religion of Abraham devoutly, as he was not an idolator.” [3:95]
      ​Indeed, the first temple set up for humankind was the one at Mecca, as blessing and guidance for all beings, [3:96]
      ​in which are evident signs; it is the place where Abraham stood, and whoever enters it is secure. And it is a duty of humanity to God that whoever is able to make a pilgrimage to the temple. And if any refuse, well, God is independent of all worlds. [3:97]
      ​Say, “O People of scripture, why do you reject the signs of God, when God is witness to what you do?” [3:98]
      ​Say, “O People of scripture, why do you hinder those who believe from the path of God, seeking to distort it, even though you yourselves are witnesses? And God is not heedless of what you are doing.” [3:99]
      ​O believers, if you were to obey a party of those to whom scripture was given, they would make you disbelievers again after you have believed. [3:100]
      ​But how could you disbelieve while the signs of God are declared to you, and God’s emissary is among you? Whoever cleaves to God has already been guided to a straight path. [3:101]
      ​O believers, be conscious of God with due reverence, and do not die without your having surrendered to God. [3:102]
      ​And hold fast to the rope of God, everyone, and do not split up. And remember God’s favor to you: for you were enemies, and God united your hearts, so you became brethren by the grace of God. And you were on the brink of a pit of fire, and God rescued you from it. Thus does God manifest signs of the divine to you, that you may be guided. [3:103]
      ​And let there be a people among you who invite to good and enjoin what is fair, and forbid what is repugnant; it is they who thrive. [3:104]
      ​And do not be like those who have become divided and disagree after the proofs have come to them: there is a terrible torment for them, [3:105]
      ​on the day that some faces will be whitened, and some faces will be blackened. As for those whose faces are blackened, did you scoff after you believed? Then taste the penalty for your rejection. [3:106]
      ​And as for those whose faces turn white, they will be in the mercy of God, and there they will remain. [3:107]
      ​Those are signs of God, which We declare to you in truth. And God does not wish injustice for anyone at all. [3:108]
      ​And to God belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is on earth; and all things derive from God and return to God. [3:109]
      ​You are the best community evolved for humankind: you enjoin what is fair, and forbid the repugnant; and you believe in God. And if only the people of scripture believed, that would surely be best for them. There are believers among them, but most of them are deviants. [3:110]
      ​They will do you no harm, except annoyance. Even if they fight you, they will turn tail and then will not be helped. [3:111]
      ​They are covered with abasement wherever they are found, except by virtue of a compact with God and a compact with the people; and they bring anger from God on themselves, and they are ridden by destitution. That is because they rejected the signs of God, and they killed the prophets without right. That was because they rebelled and used to act brutally. [3:112]
      ​They are not the same: among the people of scripture is a community that is upstanding; they read the signs of God through the hours of the night, prostrating themselves. [3:113]
      ​They believe in God and the last day, and they enjoin what is fair and forbid what is repugnant, and they race to good deeds; they are among the righteous. [3:114]
      ​And whatever good they do, they will not be denied it; God knows the conscientious. [3:115]
      ​As for those who scoff, neither their wealth nor their children will avail them at all against God; and they are the inmates of hellfire, wherein they will remain. [3:116]
      ​What they spend in the life of this world is like a frosty wind that strikes the crops of a people that have wronged themselves. God has not oppressed them, though; they have wronged themselves. [3:117]
      ​Believers, do not take intimates other than yourselves, for they will not fail to confuse you. They want you to be ruined. Hatred has already appeared from their mouths, and what their hearts conceal is worse. We have made the signs evident to you, if you understand. [3:118]
      ​See—you love them, but they don’t love you, even if you believe in the whole of scripture. When they meet you, they say, “We believe,” but when they’re alone they bite their fingertips at you in anger. Say, “Die in your fury; God knows what’s in hearts.” [3:119]
      ​If something good happens to you, it vexes them; and if something bad befalls you, they are glad about it. But if you are patient and conscientious, their conniving will not hurt you at all; for God encompasses what they do. [3:120]
      ​You left your family early in the morning to place the believers at battle stations: —and God is all-hearing, all-knowing— [3:121]
      ​two of your groups worried that they might lose heart; but God was their protector. So let the believers trust in God. [3:122]
      ​God had helped you at Badr, when you were lowly; so be conscious of God, so as to be grateful. [3:123]
      ​You were saying to the believers, “Is it not enough for you that your Lord should assist you with three thousand angels sent down? [3:124]
      ​“If you would be patient and conscientious even if they rush at you here, God would assist you with five thousand angels of imposing force.” [3:125]
      ​God only made it good news for you, so that your hearts may be at peace thereby. There is no salvation but from God, the mighty, the wise: [3:126]
      ​that God might cut off an extreme fringe of the scoffers, or crush them so they turn back thwarted. [3:127]
      ​You have nothing to do with the decision whether God relents toward them or punishes them— for they are wrongdoers. [3:128]
      ​To God belongs everything in the heavens and on earth: God forgives whom God will, and God punishes whom God will; and God is most forgiving, most merciful. [3:129]
      ​Believers, do not consume usurious interest, multiplied and compounded; and be conscious of God, that you may thrive. [3:130]
      ​And be wary of the fire that is prepared for scoffers. [3:131]
      ​And obey God and the messenger, that you may experience mercy. [3:132]
      ​And hasten to forgiveness from your Lord, and to a garden broad as the heavens and the earth, prepared for the conscientious, [3:133]
      ​those who spend in good times and bad, and those who restrain anger, and those who forgive people; —and God loves those who do good— [3:134]
      ​and those who remember God and seek forgiveness for their sins if they have done something shameful or wronged themselves —and who forgives sins but God?— and those who do not knowingly persist obstinately in what they have done. [3:135]
      ​Their reward is forgiveness from their Lord, and gardens with rivers flowing below them, where they are to abide; and how gracious the reward for workers! [3:136]
      ​Ways of life have already passed away before you, so travel the earth and see what became of those who repudiated truth. [3:137]
      ​This is a clear statement to humanity, and guidance, and instruction for the conscientious. [3:138]
      ​Do not be weak, and do not be sad; you are the superior ones, if you are believers. [3:139]
      ​If you are wounded, know that people have been wounded likewise; those are the days of changing fortunes to which We subject humankind, that God may know those who believe, and may take witnesses from among you. And God does not love wrongdoers. [3:140]
      ​It is also that God may prove those who believe, and destroy the scoffers. [3:141]
      ​Did you think you would enter the garden without God finding out who among you struggled, and who were steadfast? [3:142]
      ​You did in fact desire death before you encountered it; and now you have seen it, before your very eyes. [3:143]
      ​Muhammad is only a messenger; other messengers have passed away before him. If he dies or is killed, will you turn on your heels? If anyone turns on his heels, he will not harm God at all; but God will reward the grateful. [3:144]
      ​And no creature can die but by God’s leave, according to a decree that has a fixed term. And whoever desires the reward of the world, We grant him some; and whoever desires the reward of the hereafter, We grant him some; and We will recompense the grateful. [3:145]
      ​How many a prophet fought, with them many myriads? And they never grew faint on account of what happened to them in the cause of God; and they did not weaken, and they did not yield. And God loves those who endure. [3:146]
      ​And all they said was, “Our Lord, forgive us our sins and our transgressions in our affairs; and set our feet firmly and help us against atheistic people.” [3:147]
      ​And God gave them the reward of the world, and the beauty of the reward of the hereafter. For God loves those who do good. [3:148]
      ​Believers, if you obeyed those who scoff, they would turn you back on your heels; and you would turn back losers. [3:149]
      ​But God is your protector; and God is the best of helpers. [3:150]
      ​We will throw fear into the hearts of scoffers for their polytheism, for which no authority was sent down; their refuge is the fire; and miserable is the abode of wrongdoers. [3:151]
      ​God had already fulfilled the divine promise to you when you were destroying them by God’s permission, until you weakened and argued over the order, and you disobeyed after God showed you what you like. Some of you want this world, and some of you want the hereafter. Then God diverted you from them to test you, though God had already pardoned you. And God has bountiful grace for believers. [3:152]
      ​Remember you were climbing up, paying attention to no one, even though the messenger was calling you from behind; then God repaid you with affliction upon affliction, so that you would not sorrow over what had slipped away from you, and what had happened to you. For God is aware of what you do. [3:153]
      ​Then calm descended upon you after affliction, as slumber overcoming a group of you, while another group had been anxious about themselves, supposing of God, without justification, ignorant supposition, saying, “Have we aught to do with the order of things?” Say, “The order of things is all up to God.” They conceal in themselves what they are not revealing to you. They say, “Had we aught to do with the order of things, we would not have been killed here.” Say, “Even if you had stayed at home, those destined to be killed would have gone forth to their final resting places.” And it was so that God might test what is in your chests, and try what is in your hearts. And God is all-knowing of what is in hearts. [3:154]
      ​As for those of you who turned back the day the two groups met, it was Satan alone who made them slip, for some of what they had done. But God had pardoned them; for God is forgiving, most clement. [3:155]
      ​Believers, do not be like atheists who say of their brothers when they have gone traveling the earth or have gone on an expedition: “Had they been with us, they would not have died, and they would not have been killed.” It is for God to make that a lament in their hearts. God gives life and causes death; and God sees what you do. [3:156]
      ​And if you are killed for the sake of God, or die, surely forgiveness from God and mercy are better than what others amass. [3:157]
      ​And if you die, or are killed, it is to God that you are gathered. [3:158]
      ​So it is because of mercy from God that you were mild to them; had you been harsh and hard-hearted, they would have dispersed from around you. So pardon them and seek forgiveness for them; and consult with them in matters of concern. Then when you have made a decision, trust in God. For God loves the trusting. [3:159]
      ​If God helps you, there is no one who can overcome you; and if God abandons you, who is there that can help you after that? So let the believers trust in God. [3:160]
      ​It is not for a prophet to defraud. Whoever defrauds will yield up whatever he got by fraud on the day of resurrection; then every soul will be paid what it has earned— and they will not be wronged. [3:161]
      ​For is the one who follows the pleasure of God like the one who brings the wrath of God upon himself, and whose dwelling place is hell? What a miserable destination! [3:162]
      ​They are in a plurality of ranks in the sight of God; and God sees whatever they do. [3:163]
      ​God has surely been gracious to believers in sending into their midst a messenger who is one of their own to recite God’s signs to them, and purify them, and teach them scripture and wisdom, whereas they had certainly been in evident error before. [3:164]
      ​When a calamity hits you, twice the like of which you have already caused, do you say, “Where did this come from?” Say, “It is from yourselves.” Truly God has power over all things. [3:165]
      ​And what happened to you the day the two armies met was by leave of God, to know the believers, [3:166]
      ​and to know the hypocritical. They were told, “Come, fight for the cause of God, or defend.” They said, “If we knew how to fight, we would have followed you.” They were closer to infidelity that day than they were to faith: they were mouthing what was not in their hearts. But God knows best what they conceal: [3:167]
      Those who stayed home and said of their brethren, “Had they obeyed us, they would not have been killed.” Say, “Then ward off death from yourselves, if you are being truthful.” [3:168]
      ​And do not consider those killed in God’s cause to be dead; no, they are alive, being supported in the presence of their Lord, [3:169]
      ​rejoicing in what God has given them from the divine bounty. And they rejoice for those who have not joined them afterwards, that they have no burden of fear, and they do not sorrow. [3:170]
      ​They rejoice in grace from God, and bounty; and that God will not neglect to reward the faithful— [3:171]
      ​those who hearkened to God and the Prophet after they had been wounded; for those of them who did good and were conscientious there is a great reward— [3:172]
      ​those who increased in faith when people told them, “The people have united against you,” to intimidate them. And they said, “God is enough for us; and what an excellent guardian!” [3:173]
      ​So they returned with grace and bounty from God, untouched by harm, having followed the pleasure of God. And God has great bounty. [3:174]
      ​It is only Satan making you fear his cohorts: don’t be afraid of them, be afraid of Me, if you are believers. [3:175]
      ​And do not let those who stampede into rejection grieve you; they cannot do God any harm. God intends not to provide them any fortune in the hereafter; instead there is a terrible torment for them. [3:176]
      ​Those who take rejection in exchange for faith will not hurt God at all; and they will suffer a painful penalty. [3:177]
      ​The scoffers should not think the respite We have granted them is good for them. We have only granted them respite for them to increase in sin; and there is a humiliating penalty for them. [3:178]
      ​God will not abandon the believers to the condition you are in, but eventually separate the bad from the good. And God will not reveal the unseen to you, but God chooses from the envoys of God whomever God will. So believe in God and the envoys of God. If you believe and are conscientious, there is a great reward for you. [3:179]
      ​Those who begrudge what God has given them from God’s bounty should not think it is good for them. Rather, it is bad for them. What they begrudge will be twisted around their necks on the day of resurrection. And the inheritance of the heavens and the earth belongs to God. And God is aware of what you do. [3:180]
      ​God has heard the statement of those who say, “God is poor and we are rich.” We will record what they have said, and their unjust assassination of the prophets. And We will say, “Taste the torment of burning! [3:181]
      ​“That is for what you did yourselves; for God does not wrong devotees.” [3:182]
      ​To those who say, “God has enjoined us not to believe in a prophet unless he brings us a sacrifice to be consumed by fire,” say, “Prophets have already come to you before me with proofs, and with what you have said: so why did you kill them, if you are sincere?” [3:183]
      ​Then if they repudiate you, so have prophets been repudiated before you, who brought testimonies and scriptures, and the enlightening Book. [3:184]
      ​Every being experiences death. And you will only be paid your due on the day of resurrection. And whoever is kept away from the fire and admitted to the garden has gained salvation. And the life of this world is but the stuff of vain hopes. [3:185]
      ​You will surely be tried in respect to your possessions and your selves. And you will surely hear much that is offensive from those to whom scripture was given before you, and from idolaters. If you are patient and conscientious, that is part of the order of things. [3:186]
      ​And God took the promise of those to whom scripture was given: “Be sure to expound it to people, and not keep it hidden,” but they threw it behind their backs and sold it for a petty price. [3:187]
      ​Do not think there is escape from torment for those who rejoice in what they have done and love to be praised for what they have not done. There is a painful torment in store for them. [3:188]
      ​For the dominion of the heavens and the earth belongs to God; and God has power over all things. [3:189]
      ​Surely in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of night and day, are signs for people of understanding— [3:190]
      ​those who remember God while standing, sitting, and on their sides, contemplating the creation of the heavens and the earth: “Our Lord! You did not create this in vain! Glory to You! Keep us, then, from the torment of the fire! [3:191]
      ​“Our Lord, whomever You cause to enter the fire You have disgraced; and there are no saviors for the unjust. [3:192]
      ​“Our Lord, we have indeed heard someone calling, inviting us to faith— ‘Believe in your Lord’—and we believed. So forgive us our sins, our Lord, and efface our evils; and take our souls with the just. [3:193]
      ​“And grant us what You promised us, our Lord, according to Your messengers; and do not disgrace us on the day of resurrection. For You surely do not break a promise.” [3:194]
      ​And their Lord answered them, “I am never unmindful of the work of a worker among you, male or female. You are from each other. So for those who emigrated or were driven from their homes or suffered harm for My sake, or fought or were killed, I will efface their evils and admit them to gardens below which rivers flow, as a reward from the presence of God. And the finest reward is in the presence of God.” [3:195]
      ​Do not let the luck of atheists in the land deceive and seduce you. [3:196]
      ​It is a little convenience; then their abode is hell. And what a miserable bed! [3:197]
      ​But for those who are conscious of their Lord there are gardens below which rivers flow, wherein they will abide, a gift from the presence of God. And what is in the presence of God is best for the just. [3:198]
      ​And surely there are those among the people of scripture who believe in God, and in what was revealed to you, and what was revealed to them, humble toward God: they do not sell the signs of God for a petty price. They have their reward, in the presence of their Lord. For God is quick in accounting. [3:199]
      O believers, be constant, excel in patience, and be firm. Be conscious of God, so that you may thrive. [3:200]
