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  • ٱلْأَحْقَاف
    Surah Ahqaf
    The Valley
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    Surah Number 46
    Meanings & Titles of Surah Winding Sand-tracts, The Dunes, The Sand-Dunes
    Place of Revelation Makkah
    Number of Verses 35
    Number of Rukus 4 ½
    Number of Words (Without Repeated Words) 417
    Total Number of Words 645
    Number of Letters 2667
    Page Number 502
    Juz Number 26
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    Surah Ahqaf

      ​H.M. [46:1]
      ​Revelation of the Book is from God, the Mighty, the Wise: [46:2]
      ​We have not created the heavens and the earth and all that is between them but in due proportion and for a definite term. But those who scoff turn away from the warning they’ve been given. [46:3]
      ​Say, “Do you see what you pray to other than God? Show me what they have created of the earth, or what part they have in the heavens! Bring me a book of knowledge, whether from before or after this one, if you are being truthful!” [46:4]
      ​And who is more astray than one who prays to what is not God, which will not answer him until the day of resurrection, and which are heedless of anyone’s prayer? [46:5]
      ​And when human beings are gathered together, those will be enemies to them, and will repudiate their worship. [46:6]
      ​And when Our clear signs are recited to them, scoffers say, when it comes to them, “This is obvious enchantment!” [46:7]
      ​Do they say, “He invented it”? Say, “If I invented it, then you are of no avail to me against God, who knows best what you’re dwelling on; God is sufficient as a witness between you and me. And God is the epitome of forgiveness and mercy.” [46:8]
      ​Say, “I am not first of the messengers, and I do not know what will be done with me, or with you. I do not follow but what has been revealed to me by inspiration, and I am nothing but a plain warner.” [46:9]
      ​Say, “See? If it is from God, yet you deny it, when a witness from the Israelites has testified to its like and believes, whereas you are too conceited; truly God does not guide people who’re unjust.” [46:10]
      ​And scoffers say to believers, “If it were good, they would not have taken to it before us.” And if they do not take a lesson from it, they will say, “This is an ancient myth.” [46:11]
      And before it was the Book of Moses, as a guide and a mercy; and this is a Book confirming truth in the Arabic tongue, to warn wrongdoers and gladden the virtuous. [46:12]
      ​Those who say “Our Lord is God” and then are steadfast in uprightness shall have no burden of fear, and neither shall they grieve. [46:13]
      ​They are the company of paradise, where they will abide forever, as a reward for what they have done. [46:14]
      ​And We have enjoined on man goodness to his parents: his mother carried him in distress and bore him in distress; and his gestation and weaning take thirty months. Then when he attains his full maturity, reaching forty years, he says, “My Lord, inspire me to be grateful for the kindness You have bestowed on me and on my parents; and to do good pleasing to You. And grant me good luck in my issue. I turn to You, acquiescent.” [46:15]
      ​They are those from whom We accept the best of what they have done, and for whom We overlook their sins, in the company of paradise, as the true promise they have been promised. [46:16]
      ​And as for one who says to his parents, “Fie on you! Did you promise me I’d be resurrected, when the generations before me have passed away?” His parents seek the help of God: “Woe is you! Believe, for the promise of God is true!” But he says, “This is nothing but fables of the ancients.” [46:17]
      ​Such are those against whom the sentence is justified, among communities of sprites and humans who passed away before them; they’re already lost. [46:18]
      And there are degrees for everyone, according to what they have done, as recompense for their deeds; and they will not be wronged. [46:19]
      And on the day that scoffers will be put before the fire, “You wasted your good things in your life in the world, even as you relished them, so today you are repaid with the torment of abasement, because of your unjust arrogance on earth, and because you have been dissolute.” [46:20]
      ​And remember that brother of the ‘Ad, who warned his people of the winding sands; and before him and after him have passed warners that, “You should worship only God; I fear for you chastisement on a day of tremendous stress.” [46:21]
      ​They said, “Have you come to us to turn us away from our gods? Then bring us what you promise, if you are one who is truthful.” [46:22]
      ​He said, “The knowledge is only with God. I inform you of what I have been sent with, but I see you an ignorant people.” [46:23]
      ​And when they saw what seemed a mass of clouds facing their valleys, they said, “This mass of clouds will bring us rain!” “But what it is, instead, is that which you sought to hasten— a wind wherein is a painful punishment [46:24]
      ​“It destroys everything by the command 0f their Lord.” Then come morning there was nothing to be seen but the places they had lived. Thus do We requite the people who do wrong. [46:25]
      ​We had established them in a position We did not establish you; and We gave them ears and eyes and hearts, but their ears, eyes, and hearts did not help them at all, for they went on refusing the signs of God, even as they were surrounded by what they had been taking for a joke. [46:26]
      ​We have indeed destroyed populations around you too, while We spelled out the signs, that they might consult. [46:27]
      ​And why did those they took as familiars, as gods, which are other than God, not come to their rescue, proving of no avail? That was their falsehood, and what they invented. [46:28]
      ​And remember how We directed a group of sprites to you, listening to the Recital; when they came into its presence, they said, “Hearken!” Then when it was concluded, they turned back to their folk as warners. [46:29]
      They said, “O kindred of ours, we have heard a Book revealed after Moses, confirming what was before it, leading to truth and to a straight path. [46:30]
      ​“O kindred of ours, hear the caller to God, and believe in God, who will forgive you your sins and grant you asylum from a painful torment. [46:31]
      ​“Whoever fails to hearken to the caller to God is no disabler on earth, even so, and has no protectors other than God; they are in obvious error.” [46:32]
      ​Haven’t they seen that God, who created the heavens and the earth without even minding their creation, is able to give life to the dead? Oh, yes! For God is capable of everything. [46:33]
      ​And on the day that those who scoffed will be placed before the fire —“Is this not real?”— they will say, “Yes, indeed, by our Lord!” “Then taste the penalty for your habitual scoffing.” [46:34]
      ​So be patient, as were the prophets who had resolve; and do not be hasty about others, as they one day will see what they are promised, having sojourned no more than an hour of a day. This is a message! And have any been destroyed but people who were wanton? [46:35]
