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  • عَبَسَ
    Surah Abasa
    He Frowned
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    Surah Number 80
    Meanings & Titles of Surah He Frowned
    Place of Revelation Makkah
    Number of Verses 42
    Number of Rukus 1
    Number of Words (Without Repeated Words) 116
    Total Number of Words 133
    Number of Letters 552
    Page Number 585
    Juz Number 30
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    Surah Abasa

      ​He frowned and turned away [80:1]
      ​because a blind man came to him. [80:2]
      ​But what would have let you know he might strive to be pure, [80:3]
      ​or take heed, so the reminder would be of benefit to him? [80:4]
      ​As for one who’s rich, [80:5]
      ​you occupy yourself with him, [80:6]
      ​though you’re not responsible if he doesn’t strive to be pure. [80:7]
      ​But one who came to you striving [80:8]
      ​in awe, [80:9]
      ​to him you were inattentive. [80:10]
      ​Don’t! This is a message [80:11]
      ​for any who wants to remember, [80:12]
      ​in honored scriptures, [80:13]
      ​elevated and immaculate, [80:14]
      ​by the hands of scribes [80:15]
      ​honorable and upright. [80:16]
      ​Man is ruined—what makes him scoff? [80:17]
      ​Of what did God make him? [80:18]
      ​From a drop. God created him and enabled him, [80:19]
      ​and smoothes the way for him, [80:20]
      ​then causes him to die and entombs him, [80:21]
      ​and then will resurrect him at will. [80:22]
      ​But no, he has not fulfilled what God commanded him. [80:23]
      ​So let man consider his food: [80:24]
      ​We pour forth water [80:25]
      ​and split the ground, [80:26]
      ​producing grain in it, [80:27]
      ​and grapes and herbs [80:28]
      ​and olives and dates [80:29]
      ​and gardens full of trees [80:30]
      ​and fruits and vegetation [80:31]
      ​for your use and for your livestock. [80:32]
      ​Then when the deafening noise comes, [80:33]
      ​that day a man will flee his brother [80:34]
      ​and his mother and his father [80:35]
      ​and his wife and his children. [80:36]
      ​Every one of them that day will have enough to preoccupy him. [80:37]
      ​Some faces will be glowing that day, [80:38]
      ​laughing with delight; [80:39]
      while some faces will have dust on them that day, [80:40]
      ​covering them with grime— [80:41]
      ​they were the immoral atheists. [80:42]
